Feb. 1-7 - fun with photo filters (color)
Feb. 8-14 - things I don't like about my body
Feb. 15-21 - things I love about my body
Feb. 22-28 - black and white
My mom belly is definitely the thing I dislike most about my body. I had a c-section, so the scar is low, right about the pubic hair line, and it creates a sort of shelf that my belly hangs over. Even before I gained the extra pounds I am carrying now, that sagging flab has been there. I've run and done crunches, and nothing seems to impact it. I've even thought of plastic surgery to get rid of it...cool sculpting...a tummy tuck...anything.

Interestingly, this is a part of my body that my husband has latched onto, literally. To him, it represents what I have created, and what I have given him and my son. That belly was earned. It's what made me a mom. And that's sexy, because it's strong and natural and feminine.
I can't convince myself of that. But it's a nice thought.
Maybe someday I'll either embrace it...or lose it.
I changed the filter on this one to the left, so you can see the stretch marks that add to the reason I dislike this part of my body so much.
Don't get me wrong, it was worth it, of course. I'd trade pretty much any part of my body for my child...but in a perfect world, this sucker would be flat and smooth and stretch-mark free.
Body love is super hard! Even getting to a place of neutral takes a ton of work. I'm constantly working on that, too. <3
I could have written this. I feel example the same about my tummy and like yours mine sags down over that exact same shelf and I really dislike it. If I had stupid money I think I would definitely be tempted to spend some of it having a 'mum lift'
Very sexy!
I have a saggy tummy after having a baby as well. I hate it so much. For what it's worth, I think your body looks perfect.
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